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We offer innovative solutions

The brand Söll stands for premium quality, highest efficiency and excellent value for money. In the interest of mankind, nature and environment, we transform sound knowledge into innovative products.

We develop and produce chemical, microbiological and technical products, such as filter technology, UV technology and water meters. We also market high-quality food for ornamental fish and Koi.

The focus of our strong brand is the segment “home and hobby”, for which we exclusively supply quality products for garden ponds, aquariums and swimming pools. For many years, we have been a recognised supplier for specialist pet shops, garden centres and DIY shops.

Söll's customer base includes professional users in public and private organisations.

Our extensive product range offers solutions for the following areas of application:

    • Garden pond and Koi pond - Our product range for garden ponds and Koi ponds
    • Aquaristics - Our product range for freshwater and saltwater aquaristics
    • Pool - Our product range for pool maintenance
    • Fountain - Our product range for indoor and outdoor maintenance
    • Water analysis - Our product range for water analysis
    • Fish farming -Our product range for professional fish farming

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